GARO AB4000R Liquid Ring Compressor Offers Improved Efficiency
Garo introduces the GARO AB4000R Liquid Ring Compressor, a new frame and expansion of the GARO two stage compressor series. The GARO AB4000R reportedly offers up to 7% higher efficiency than competing liquid ring compressors in this range.
The GARO AB4000R operates at up to 12.5 bar abs (160 psig) and is specifically designed for the higher pressures and performance requirements of oil and gas and chemical process applications including flare gas recovery, vapor recovery units, corrosive gas handling (e.g. VCM and chlorine) and H2S gas sweetening. Designed for severe service, the rugged construction and easy to service design of the GARO AB4000R minimizes maintenance and reduces downtime for service and repair, according to the company
The GARO AB4000R also features:
- Speed: 740 – 900 rpm
- Pressure: 4.5-12.5 bar abs (50-160 psig)
- Capacity: 2700 – 4000 m3/hour (1500 to 2300 cfm)
- Material availability: CS, LTCS, 316/CF3M, DUPLEX. On request ALLOY 825 Titanium and others
- Suitable for oil splash, pure oil mist, purge oil mist, oil circulation and air-oil forced lubrication